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Please call Wyke College on 01482 346347
Password reset
Current passwd
* Required
As this your first time logging in, we need you to change your password.
Your new password must be at least 8 characters long, and should ideally contain a mix of upper and lower case letters, and numbers or other characters.
New passwd
* Required
Retype passwd
* Required
Cancel password change
Problems using the ParentPortal?
Please call Wyke College on 01482 346347
Password reset
Email address
* Required
Problems using the ParentPortal?
Please call Wyke College on 01482 346347
Recovery email address
Thank you - your password has been successfully changed.
Please provide a recovery email address so that you can reset your password later if you forget it:
Email address
* Required
Wyke can use this to contact me
I prefer not to provide an email
Reset email sent
Thank you - an email containing a password reset link has been sent to .
The link in the email will take you to the password reset screen where you can enter a new password.
Return to Login screen
Problems using the ParentPortal?
Please call Wyke College on 01482 346347
Password changed
Thank you - your password has been successfully changed.
Please log in using your new password.
Go to Login screen
Problems using the ParentPortal?
Please call Wyke College on 01482 346347
Enter ParentPortal
Incorrect details
Sorry, the details you provided do not match our records.
An email could not be sent.
Please contact Wyke College for assistance.
Return to Login screen
Problems using the ParentPortal?
Please call Wyke College on 01482 346347
Password change failure
Sorry, a problem occurred resetting your password.
The current password is incorrect.
Please contact Wyke College for technical assistance.
Return to Login screen
Problems using the ParentPortal?
Please call Wyke College on 01482 346347
Invalid/expired link
Sorry, this password reset link is invalid or has expired.
Go to Login screen
Problems using the ParentPortal?
Please call Wyke College on 01482 346347
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